Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Favorite Fall Activity

Free Write #2 Graded.
Block 3 Due by October 15th at 10pm.
What is your favorite fall activity? Who do you do the activity with? When do you do it? How do you feel? Describe the activity to me. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure that you have 300 words for this free write. Hint- Write the free write into a word document. Check the word count in the document then copy and paste it over.

I love to do so many different things over the fall season. Although my number one favorite thing to do during the fall is carve pumpkins with my family. We start carving in about the middle of October... around the 15th. I feel so excited because every year, my crazy family and I always have a great time carving pumpkins together, it's one of the funnest days of the year in my house. The first thing my family and I do is go to a small farm and buy a few fun sized and colored pumpkins. (white and orange) Afterwards we go home and get out all of our carving tools. We sit our pumpkins outside on our back porch, and while drinking apple cider, get ready to do the first step. The first step is, cutting off the top of the pumpkin to pull out all of the slimy seeds and then we have contests to see who can carve out the funniest face. We also use "Mr. Potato Head" pieces do decorate it and make it even more creative, but mostly because it makes it pretty fun, just by mix and matching all of the pieces. After were all done making the faces, we take off the top off the pumpkin lid, and then we put a small candle in the center of the silly pumpkin. Finally we're finished, we clean it up a little bit, and then put it outside of our house to show all of the "spooky" trick -or- treaters for the festive Halloween season.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

♥ Million Dollars ♥

What would you do with a million dollars? You have to separate it out. Ex. I would give $100,00 to Miss Slawinski to help her kids get laptops to work on their blogs. I would give 20 bucks to my little brother so he would be quiet. Make sure you account for all your money! Remember to EXPLAIN everything.---- If I had a 1,000,000 dollars, the fist thing i would do would be to buy a new car for my mom, it would be a brand new, and would cost me roughly around $30,000. ($970,000 left) I would then buy a new house for my mom and I. It would be around $250,000. ($720,000 left) I would then put $100,000 towards my college fund. ($620,000 left) I would later spend about $2,000 for clothes for me and my mom. ($618,000 left) Later I would donate $5,000 do the charity for burned children. ($613,000 left). Then I would set aside $200,000 for my (future) childrens' college fund. ($413,000 left) Lastly, I would put my money into the bank, letting it grow interest throughout the years.

♥ Sameness and Difference ♥

Okay here is your first official assignment on the blog that will be graded. It is a free write and is worth 10 points. (just like we do them in class) The catch with this one is that you will have one week to do it. It will be due next Tuesday, October 7th. A good trick is to type it in a word document and then paste it over to your blog. Don't post your response until you are done. You can save it as a draft until you are finished. If you don't have Internet at home come see me at some point today. You also have to have at least 300 words (This post right here is about 100 words) I expect most of you to exceed this amount. Good luck! Comment on this post if you have any problems.Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.--------- Sameness and difference are both good and bad in many ways. Sameness could be good because if everyone was the same, then nobody would be judged by what they are wearing and everyone, everybody would be considered equal, and then there wouldn't be any war or any violence. Sameness could be bad too because if everything was the same there wouldn't be any originality or anything to make people unique, and they wouldnt have any chance to be an individual and stand out. Difference can also be good. I say this because then you have something to look forward to, and it's a way that you can be creative and express yourself and really be who you want to be and not what everyone thinks you should be. Difference can also be bad, only because if someone is different from someone else, they might think that your not as good as they are or that your dumb, so it can be challenging if you change to be different or the same as someone else. In Jonas's society it is a utopia. Everything is the same, and everything is perfect. For example: 1. They all have one girl and one boy child, 2. Nobody talks about change or being different, 3. nothing goes on that is out of THEIR ordinary. In our society on the other hand, it's completley opposite. Some examples that support my statement include: 1.We can choose what we want to be when we're older, unlike Jonas's society which assigns your job for you. 2. Our families can have as many children as desired, they dont have to be just one boy and one girl. 3. We can talk about change, our opinions, and what we feel about different things.

♥ Questions ♥

Welcome to the land of blogging! I am so excited to start this project with you. In your first post, write down any problems or questions you have about your blog. Was it easy to start your blog? What ideas do you have incorporating your blog into class? Finally, give me an idea for your next free write.----------- Creating my own blog was a little difficult at first but it did get easier along the way. I was thinking, to incorporate our blogs into class, we could maybe start using it for communicating about, vocabulary, new assignments, and maybe about new class novels. One idea that I have for a new free write, is goals, again. Maybe we could talk about the goals that we set for ourselves and if we have accomplished any of them yet.